tiistai 29. toukokuuta 2012

Sometimes I know I'm not going to make it

I'm feeling melancholic. The world is shifting and turning and twisting so fast, and there are so many talented and not so talented people out there. There are people who are doing exactly the same things that I do, living the life I want to live. I have an unhealthy obsession. I have always lived on the edge. I have to be the best. Nothing else will do. I will work until I collapse, I will play until my fingertips bleed. And still I haven't done enough. I am jealous and bitter. I am tired, I'm exhausted.
In less than 12 months I'm going to be legally an adult. My brain is accusing me of being a fuckup, a failure. I am not as succesful as I was supposed to be at this age. I was supposed to finish my first novel when I was 9. I'm running out of time. I was supposed to be a fucking child genius. I remember when I was 12 and saw the movie Amadeus. It hit home hard. I immediately went to my room and didn't stop playing the piano for 5 hours. I wept and wept and my wrists hurt like hell. Because I couldn't fucking play like Mozart played.
I was Salieri every time someone else got the solo right from under me. I didn't even know why I felt so bad. I didn't even have the courage to sing in front of people, let alone let people hear me singing my own pathetic little songs. I didn't have the guts to let people or even myself know how much I wanted it. I wanted it so bad it hurt. How can he/she, who thinks it's a nice hobby to sing be BETTER than me, who would die if I didn't have music. It just wasn't fair. It isn't fair. It never will be.
I doesn't matter. It means nothing that I have written over a hundred songs over the years. I had composed a musical and enough material for several records by the time I was fourteen. But it doesn't matter at all if I'm never going to be heard. I draw and write and I frantically fill a notebook after a notebook with drawings and words. But it's never good enough. At one point it destroyed me. I couldn't create anything at all, from the fear it wouldn't be good enough (which it wouldn't have been). Over the last two years I have written 5 songs. 5 pathetic songs. And hours and hours worth of random pieces from here and there, that I didn't have the guts to work into a full lenght song.
I feel the pressure taking over me. It's so dark in my mind that I become scared of myself. I fall asleep on the floor where I'm crying and desperately trying to write or play the guitar. And in the morning the sunlight slowly fills my room and I finally calm down. Heart full of light again.

torstai 17. toukokuuta 2012

The first picnic of the year and other stories

So, I recently had the first picnic of the year! Which means that the summer is officially on! At least for me. I refuse to call this spring anymore, I've always hated spring. All my worst depressing thoughts always occur during the spring, and I refuse to be unhappy any longer. Life is truly getting a bit easier. I hope it will last.
Summer is always good. Maybe it's a case of nomen est omen- my last name literally means Summer-ish

So here are a few pictures of spring summer, with love:

I also made some silly jewelry out of hama beads with my sister. I do not claim to have thought of all the ideas used. Blame the internet!

                                                            It's a Mario mushroom!

                                                                     A tiny piano <3

                                                                         A rainbow

                                                                      A watermelon

                                                             A set of pacman ghosts

                                                                     A cupcake    

                                                                    Two cassettes
                            (very nostalgic, my generation is propably the last to ever use cassettes...)

                                                            A bunch of mini-keyboards
                                         (My sister wanted to do one for each Vocaloid -.-)

                                               And last but not least, a Superman logo!

Making jewelry is quite fun, so you will propably be seeing more and more of my "awesome" creations in the future...

Music stuff is still uncertain, I'll keep you updated if anything happens ;)

Love, peace and understanding <3

xxx Evan