torstai 31. maaliskuuta 2011
perjantai 25. maaliskuuta 2011
People are strange
Hi again!
So much has happened! I went to see My Chemical Romance (don't diss, they're actually pretty decent musicians, if you can see past the crazy emo-fans) and they were amazing! One thing you can't say about MCR is that they don't know how to put on a show. When I was younger I was quite obsessed with them. They're not my favourite band, but I listen to them from time to time. Actually there are about 10 'modern' bands that I actually listen to, so it's quite an achievent to please my overly picky ears xD
I also saw W (who is also a fan) for the first time this year so it was very nice, and I made some new friends too. W promised to post me some more pictures she took, so you'll get to see them once she sends them to me :P Here are a few to begin with:
I've also been in the studio to record a new song with Juan for our band "Brainwave Station". We already performed the track (called 'The Bitching Song") on our last gig, so it's almost ready, we just have to record the vocals. It's the first song we've done where I'm actually quite pleased with the lyrics. It's a very over-the-top angry- well, as the name suggest- bitching song, but it's also made with tongue in cheek, so it's not to be taken too seriously xD
Some pics from the studio:
OMG, I've got three heads! D:
Our fancy mic- stand
Pics taken by Juan
My expressions are 'beautiful' :D
Other things= School school and school... I should be writing my art-history essay but, as it turns out, blogging is much more interesting xD Although I do like art-history...
The last thing I want to write about is the fact that Elizabeth Taylor has passed away. She was a superior actress, very real and still very glamorous. She was a real artist and a real lady. I'm very saddened by this, she's always been a true inspiration to me and many others. I think I'll watch Cleopatra again sometime soon in her honour... I loved that movie as a child, even though it last 243 minutes!
May she rest in peace
- Evan
So much has happened! I went to see My Chemical Romance (don't diss, they're actually pretty decent musicians, if you can see past the crazy emo-fans) and they were amazing! One thing you can't say about MCR is that they don't know how to put on a show. When I was younger I was quite obsessed with them. They're not my favourite band, but I listen to them from time to time. Actually there are about 10 'modern' bands that I actually listen to, so it's quite an achievent to please my overly picky ears xD
I also saw W (who is also a fan) for the first time this year so it was very nice, and I made some new friends too. W promised to post me some more pictures she took, so you'll get to see them once she sends them to me :P Here are a few to begin with:
I've also been in the studio to record a new song with Juan for our band "Brainwave Station". We already performed the track (called 'The Bitching Song") on our last gig, so it's almost ready, we just have to record the vocals. It's the first song we've done where I'm actually quite pleased with the lyrics. It's a very over-the-top angry- well, as the name suggest- bitching song, but it's also made with tongue in cheek, so it's not to be taken too seriously xD
Some pics from the studio:
OMG, I've got three heads! D:
Our fancy mic- stand
Pics taken by Juan
My expressions are 'beautiful' :D
Other things= School school and school... I should be writing my art-history essay but, as it turns out, blogging is much more interesting xD Although I do like art-history...
The last thing I want to write about is the fact that Elizabeth Taylor has passed away. She was a superior actress, very real and still very glamorous. She was a real artist and a real lady. I'm very saddened by this, she's always been a true inspiration to me and many others. I think I'll watch Cleopatra again sometime soon in her honour... I loved that movie as a child, even though it last 243 minutes!
May she rest in peace
- Evan
sunnuntai 13. maaliskuuta 2011
The meaning of life is finding your own way of rebelling
Time for a new blogpost!
Actually, I'm not at all the partying type. I don't dance, I don't know the songs played in most parties and I don't like drinking. It's weird, if I'm on the stage or out to see a gig, I can go complitely crazy and jump around and look ridiculous and not care at all. I think it comes mostly from my "punk" backround, from the time I was absolutely crazy about punk bands and the lifestyle and the atmosphere. The attitude and the scent of anarchy, you know, just doing what feels right and not giving a shit about what anybody else thinks. Dancing and jumping like an idiot. The music! Actually, it's not about the music the way it's about freedom.
But a party... A typical teenage party... The songs played there, they give me nothing. I just feel like a complete idiot. Everybody else dances and looks gorgeous and I'm a huge stupid fucking whale who doesn't fit in. But not to make this too angsty, I don't actually care. I can sit in the corner and watch everybody else dance and do stupid things they'll regret in the morning. I can laugh at them and drink lemonade and write songlyrics into my mobile phone's 'drafts' file. And I can chat with people. For there's always somebody else who's that way too, so at least I have company. And I can manage to have fun anway. What I do like about parties is that I get to meet new people!
Nevertheless, I left my friend's and her flatmate's place sometime after midnight and didn't get home until 2 am. Not that bad, but the next day I had to go to Tampere to make a document for school's film course with my schoolmate. And I had to wake up at 7am o.O
But it was alright, and actually I had a wonderful time! It was Tampere film festival week and we got to see some wonderful films. I especially liked the animations directed by Jonas Odell. He's also directed music videos for e.g. Franz Ferdinand, U2 and The Rolling Stones! Google him if you want to find out more.
Again I came home about 2 am. And forgot to take any pictures, sorry about that.
So anyway, I'm a bit tired now xD
About music: Last week my friend Kai shot a few video clips of me playing one of my songs, but at the moment I'm too shy to put them up on youtube. Maybe later, if I manage to gather up the courage. :P
Last Tuesday I went out in the morning and took some pictures. It's quite wonderfully unsightly out there at the moment.
A big yay and applause for my non-existing photography skills!
Until next time! Peace & Love <3
- EvanP.S. A song I'm listening to at repeat at the moment. Amanda Palmer's lyrics and performances never cease to amaze me! Just listen to her when she sings the ending... Gives me shivers every time I hear it.
perjantai 4. maaliskuuta 2011
I'm not gonna live my life on one side of an ampersand
Still haven't got around to record anything... I'm a lazy bastard that's all. I did however play some of my songs to my muse Kai and she promised to help me pick a "single". Meaning the first song I'll record. And I just had this "fantastic" idea: maybe I'll post my poems and artwork here. Once I get something new done that is.
When it comes to music I've been listening to a lot of old blues and rock'n'roll lately, as well as more "lyric-centered" stuff from different decades. I guess it has influenced me quite a bit and I now have tons of unused lyrics saved on my laptop.
I'd love to have my hair done in the 50's style, but I'm hopeless in all makeup and hair and other typical girl stuff! I don't even know how to use hair spray. When a friend of mine learned about this, she laughed at me and called me a hippie.
I was glad.
OMG, Beatles hairspray! Dude, people were crazy.
Then again, doesn't Justin Bieber have his own nail-polish brand? And I just did not compare The Beatles and the Bieber kid, I compared crazy obsessed teenagers and the rich advertising people who take advantage of every possibility.
About the hair:
You get the idea?
This blog post was quite useless, I'm terribly sorry. I promise to write something more interesting next time.
Peace & Love!
- Evan
Ihan vaan sen verran siis että haluisin tehdä mun hiuksille jotain (+ värjätä ne, koska juurikasvu alkaa olemaan melko hirveetä luokkaa). Sitten nauroin teineille, ironisesti, koska olen itsekin yksi. Tosin en pidä Justin Bieberistä enkä tule koskaan pitämäänkään.
Still haven't got around to record anything... I'm a lazy bastard that's all. I did however play some of my songs to my muse Kai and she promised to help me pick a "single". Meaning the first song I'll record. And I just had this "fantastic" idea: maybe I'll post my poems and artwork here. Once I get something new done that is.
When it comes to music I've been listening to a lot of old blues and rock'n'roll lately, as well as more "lyric-centered" stuff from different decades. I guess it has influenced me quite a bit and I now have tons of unused lyrics saved on my laptop.
I'd love to have my hair done in the 50's style, but I'm hopeless in all makeup and hair and other typical girl stuff! I don't even know how to use hair spray. When a friend of mine learned about this, she laughed at me and called me a hippie.
I was glad.
OMG, Beatles hairspray! Dude, people were crazy.
Then again, doesn't Justin Bieber have his own nail-polish brand? And I just did not compare The Beatles and the Bieber kid, I compared crazy obsessed teenagers and the rich advertising people who take advantage of every possibility.
About the hair:
You get the idea?
This blog post was quite useless, I'm terribly sorry. I promise to write something more interesting next time.
Peace & Love!
- Evan
Ihan vaan sen verran siis että haluisin tehdä mun hiuksille jotain (+ värjätä ne, koska juurikasvu alkaa olemaan melko hirveetä luokkaa). Sitten nauroin teineille, ironisesti, koska olen itsekin yksi. Tosin en pidä Justin Bieberistä enkä tule koskaan pitämäänkään.
keskiviikko 2. maaliskuuta 2011
From all signs of bad mankind
Exciting news everyone!
I have a gig in Oslo, Norway at an art gallery opening! I'm so excited! Even though it isn't until summer... Oh, and I'll propably go to London too, with my mum. I can't wait to go there again! One of my favourite cities in the entire world.
I have a gig in Oslo, Norway at an art gallery opening! I'm so excited! Even though it isn't until summer... Oh, and I'll propably go to London too, with my mum. I can't wait to go there again! One of my favourite cities in the entire world.
After that I'll be complitely broke though. The amount of money I have isn't that large. A common student-problem I recon.
Anyway, I've got nothing really special happening in my life right now... I'm trying to study and draw and sing and be with my friends as much as I can. Even though the studying sometimes feels boring. But I guess it's like that for everyone.
I just don't know. All I want to do is quit school and become a traveling musician, even if that ment sleeping in a carboard box by the road and eating from the trash. But my common sense is telling me that I should just quit this dreaming and finish school, go to some other school, get a job, get a man and settle down. What the fuck could be so hard about that? A couple of kids and a cat, sounds nice and rational. Make it a white house and at least one girl and one boy so it's even more cute and cheesy.
The only problem is that that's not me. I don't have anything against people who want to live the "office-home-sleep-office" life. I just can't do it and I know I never will.
Yes, I know it's propably just the matter of "you're so young, you don't know what you want to do, you'll come to your senses eventually"
But I don't want to come to my senses, I want to sing! I don't want to become a fancy superstar, I never could become a superstar. I don't want publicity. In this day where we worship those "dashing" TV stars as gods and would do almost anything for the sake of 15 minutes of fame my oppinion is becoming rare. Our life revolves around celebrities and weight and it's sick. Even the music industry isn't the same. It's always been pretty much a merciless bussiness, but at least it used to be controlled by youth. What was popular among the youth would become a hit. But now the industry and the radio make the hits and we follow like sheep. And music that really touches a human soul, music that is rough and honest and beautiful instead of glossy and pretentious is way too rare.
I don't care for that. I'm not saying I'm a genious or that I'm gonna be better than any of the artists out there right now. But I'm honest. I just want to do what I love, and that is playing my songs to an audience who (hopefully) like me (even a little bit). Is that too much to ask? Guhh, I just need some time I guess.
Here, a teenager's rant for your enjoyment. Hope it made you laugh :D
P.S. Have a couple of old pictures:
Just to confuse you, I'm not blonde anymore, this is me now
Haha, I don't even have any readers xD I don't care, this blog is more for me than for anybody else, it helps me organize my thoughts.
Ja ajattelin ensin että kirjotan tätä blogia sekä suomeksi että englanniksi, mutta taidan olla liian laiska... Yhyy. Jos joku jonkun ihmeen kautta sattuu törmäämään tähän blogiin ja kokee sen niin vastustamattoman mielenkiintoiseksi että haluaisi lukea sitä, mutta ei ole kiinnittänyt huomiota opetukseen englannintunneilla (tai katsonut Doctor Whota ilman tekstityksiä 11-vuotiaasta lähtien), niin saa kommentoida, niin rupean kääntämään näitä. Helppoa englantiahan mä käytän kun en sitä osaa täydellisesti kuitenkaan xD Se on vaan jotenkin mulle luonnollisempi kieli kaikille tyhjänpäiväisille jaarituksille.
Kiitos ja hei!
Peace and love!
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